Why professional design is so important when you plan to invest in irrigation

invest in irrigation

If you are planning to invest in irrigation for your business in 2021, you may have asked yourself whether it will be worth your while to have the system designed professionally. After all, we’re all trying to keep our expenses as low as possible in these trying times, so DIY would probably be the best route, right?

At Bekmar Irrigation, we understand the importance of keeping overheads low all too well. This is also why we know that the saying ‘pennywise and pound-foolish’ rings very true in our industry. Here are a few important reasons to opt for a professionally designed irrigation system if you want to make the most of your investment:

There is a fair amount of complicated math involved

Even if you are operating on a very small scale, there are so many variables you need to bear in mind when it comes to irrigation. This includes things like the available or potential water volume, quality parameters, the size and topography of water source and the irrigation area, soil type, texture and structure, crop requirements, climatic conditions throughout the year, and power availability – to name but a few.

In our opinion, to expect a farmer or even a small-scale grower to know (or get to grips with) all of this while still running the rest of their agricultural business is a pretty tall order. This is why it makes sense to consult the professionals. This is what our designers deal with all day, every day, so we are able to provide you with expert guidance no matter the size of your project.

Professional designers can keep costs lower

Because businesses like Bekmar buy irrigation components from manufacturers in bulk, we get better rates, which enables us to pass those savings on to our customers. In short, we get a much better deal on things like HDPE pipes and water flow meters from our suppliers that you’d ever be able to get from the hardware store.

Additionally, we also have a good idea of the different brands and manufacturers out there, and which components work best for which applications. This allows us to make educated design decisions that don’t necessarily hinge on the most expensive components on the market – simply because we have enough experience to know where and when you can afford to opt for a more affordable pump, fitting or motor, for instance. 

Our designs keep the future in mind

What you need right now is one thing, where your irrigation system may need to go in future is another. A professional irrigation designer is able to think ahead on your behalf and tailor your system in a way that leaves room for easy changes and fuss-free additions later along the line, as well as affordable regular maintenance in the meantime.

An expert will also design the system so it can be installed in a way that will cause the least amount of disruption to the soil, and subsequent wear and tear on the components. There you have it –  three important reasons to choose professional irrigation design in 2021 and beyond if you want to make the most of your investment. Check back soon for more expert insight on agricultural irrigation. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with a member of the Bekmar Irrigation team if you would like to find out more about our professional design services.

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